The top word this year was automated and its variants ( automatically, automation, automates), which makes it the reigning champion since 2019. Without further introduction, below is the 2022 Infosec Startup Buzzword Bingo card – read on if you want more analysis: The idea behind the bingo card is to take it with you on physical journeys through vendor halls or virtual quests through vendor websites and see whether you can replace your existential dread with a cry out into the void of “Bingo!”.įor even more fun, see what your cursed cyber startup would offer by trying out my Infosec Startup Tagline Generator (built on which includes all the “best” buzzwords from this years’ cohort:
I surveyed 100 infosec companies’ websites 1, the vast majority of which are startups who raised VC funding in the past nine to twelve months. If we grab a handful of dust from this parched land, what trends do we see? This edition of my annual Infosec Buzzword Bingo elucidates the current zeitgeist through which buzzwords are most popular among security startups.
Eliot wrote The Wasteland, we find ourselves lost in a wasteland of information security buzzwords.